I am happily married to a wonderful man for the past 25 years and we shared together the most proudest achievement any human could accomplish we are the proud parents of two beautiful children. I have worked in retail for over 20 years, that's a long time in my profession I was laid-off and in the bad economical state that this country is in I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I decided to embark on furthering my education and venture out into the unknown working world again. I was scared to say the least but encouraged by many and intrigued by having the opportunity to do so. I chose massage therapy for one reason, relaxation, there is nothing like it. I graduated from the Salter School Malden Campus with honors and I am extremely proud of my decision. I could not have chosen a better school, advisors, and instructors to help me take on this huge venture I was about to embark on. I have had the pleasure in joining my instructors on several massage events ( for example I have volunteered my services at the MS challenge in Brewster Ma. and also have done several massage events at local assisted living facilities in Ma. ) given my experience, dedication and passion I am now a massage therapist and I am here to help bring relaxation and tranquility to all!